Capstone Project Run #2

Capstone Project Run #2


A couple months after I finished my Capstone Project and shut off the server, I decided to spin a new version up that will start fresh and collect more data. I also used this time to adjust what I used previously. Instead of using MySQL, I switched to using a SQL Server.

Capstone Project

Capstone Project

Overview of my Capstone Project that was centered around tracking data of Twitch Streamers utilizing a real-time data feed.

For my Capstone Project, I wanted to do something that was not only a culmination of my learning thus far, but also challenging. Which would also offer me the opportunity to learn even more. I spent a good amount of time thinking about what to do. After a couple scrapped ideas, I eventually settled on the idea of creating a three-tier application meant to track statistics related to Twitch streamers.
